Let the challenge begin!

"Oh dear, what I've put myself into?"

Here it is guys. My Nokia 225 4G that I managed to buy secondhand for 30 euros. I was waiting the reviews of the new 8210, but now I'm glad I didn't get it. It seems to be pretty much the same system as this one. It's a shame, I really had high hopes for that model.

I'm holding a phone in my hand that can take me back in time to somewhere over 10 years ago. I feel nostalgic, the Nokia logo looks the same and the general look of the phone has similar vibes. But I can't deny that this phone feels cheap. I scrolled through the phone and it seems so different after these years with a smartphone. No apps, no email, not even GPS, the camera is a nightmare. I don't have high hopes for the browser either. This device can basically just text and call. I hope this thing gets a good reception as that's pretty much all I'll have. It's crazy how much the phones have developed in such a short period of time. And not just the phones have changed, our society functions in another level too. It all revolves around the assumption that everyone has a smartphone. Or at least the life has been made much easier for the smartphone owners.

Adding contacts was an easy way to get a hold of typing with this thing again, easier than I remembered, but still very tacky. I use the dictionary while writing so it will get easier as I go and introduce the words I use the most. Yet my biggest concern is not the phone itself, but rather how I'm being reached. Emails are easy to check elsewhere but whatsapp has been kind of a must as almost every urgent message is sent there. 

It's like I'm watching dark clouds approaching and the wind rising. I'm about to take part to a challenge spending 30 days without a smartphone. My timing for the challenge couldn't be worse. There is rush at my work and my school is about to resume so this challenge is going to be interesting and well, challenging. But I also think this is also perfect a timing as I can clearly see how much I'll probably miss the convenience of a smartphone. 

But can I survive? One month feels a way too long time for this challenge, but on the other hand, one week won't be enough. I'm nervous, but also excited, it's going to be a very interesting month indeed. I have my battery charged and I'm ready to take on the challenge. Have not yet decided if I'm going to start the challenge tomorrow or on Wednesday. I'm going to share my thoughts and feelings about the challenge along the way and also give my own review of the 225. Stay tuned and wish me luck.

Logging of for now, thanks for reading and wish me luck.


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