The dumbphone challenge: Day 4- How's it going so far?
Do you know the feeling after a noisy concert or bar when you get out and it's finally silent. It's kind of a empty, but also relieving feeling when you can properly hear your surroundings and thoughts again. You walk home feeling melancholic remembering the night you were having. The city is silent. You look around, but you see nobody, you're on this road alone. It's pretty much how this challenge has felt so far. @Pexels In the first day the phone rang only once when my boss called. I'm used to receive notifications early on in the morning and go through the snaps my friends have sent me at night and throughout the day, but now nothing. And the silence has kept going all this time and it has felt bizarre. I'm a bit disappointed that none of my friends have not bothered to text or call me to ask how I'm doing. And I don't know how they are either, unless I call them myself. I can't deny that sometimes I miss my smartphone. First of all I'm used...