
Showing posts from August, 2022

The dumbphone challenge: Day 4- How's it going so far?

Do you know the feeling after a noisy concert or bar when you get out and it's finally silent. It's kind of a empty, but also relieving feeling when you can properly hear your surroundings and thoughts again. You walk home feeling melancholic remembering the night you were having. The city is silent. You look around, but you see nobody, you're on this road alone. It's pretty much how this challenge has felt so far. @Pexels In the first day the phone rang only once when my boss called. I'm used to receive notifications early on in the morning and go through the snaps my friends have sent me at night and throughout the day, but now nothing. And the silence has kept going all this time and it has felt bizarre. I'm a bit disappointed that none of my friends have not bothered to text or call me to ask how I'm doing. And I don't know how they are either, unless I call them myself.  I can't deny that sometimes I miss my smartphone. First of all I'm used...

Let the challenge begin!

"Oh dear, what I've put myself into?" Here it is guys. My Nokia 225 4G that I managed to buy secondhand for 30 euros. I was waiting the reviews of the new 8210, but now I'm glad I didn't get it. It seems to be pretty much the same system as this one. It's a shame, I really had high hopes for that model. I'm holding a phone in my hand that can take me back in time to somewhere over 10 years ago. I feel nostalgic, the Nokia logo looks the same and the general look of the phone has similar vibes. But I can't deny that this phone feels cheap. I scrolled through the phone and it seems so different after these years with a smartphone. No apps, no email, not even GPS, the camera is a nightmare. I don't have high hopes for the browser either. This device can basically just text and call. I hope this thing gets a good reception as that's pretty much all I'll have. It's crazy how much the phones have developed in such a short period of time. And ...

First three weeks of social media detox- how's it going

@pexels  Vacations, festivals, parties, friends, fancy dinners, great family time. Life seems so perfect for the people that I follow on the social media. Seems like nothing could go wrong. I explore the reels and try watch some comedic shorts, but they are not about fun and games anymore. They're about work, grind and discipline and how nothing is enough until you earn enough and are successful.  This summer hasn't been a huge success for me. Actually it's probably the worst summer so far. I had to move to another town away from my spouse and my friends, and I have nobody to be with on my spare time. Luckily I get the weekends off, but they go by too fast. I got scammed when I was searching for a flat and I had to pay for two apartments for the whole summer. The job I got doesn't match quite my expectations after all. I just hope this summer would end already.  Scrolling through my feed had made my misfortune to feel that much bigger. I have felt empty inside, like I w...

Smartphone parenting

I was at the city center the other day and I was sitting on a bench minding my own business when I saw a small kid running on the pedestrian street. This approximately 4 year old was laughing and screaming, jumping and bursting to every possible direction, just like little kids do. Then I heard a calm voice calling the kid's name and telling him to stop. I looked up to a man who was walking forward barely raising his eyes of his smartphone. The kid slowed down a bit, but soon kept messing around with the same energy.  There were traffic lights nearby and the kid was approaching them much faster than his dad, who was slowed by his other interests. Was it social media, email, or breaking news, I don't know. Whatever it was, It must have been super important as his screen was drawing his attention like a magnet. The father fidgeted his phone a couple of times more, and then he repeated his gentle command. His son, who was now maybe 10 meters ahead didn't listen and the he was ...